

( Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC )
Is an agricultural insecticide manufactured for effective control of the Bollworm Complex in cotton crops. The combination of two active ingredients ensures thorough management of bollworms.
Agricultural Insecticide for control of:
  • Bollworm Complex in Cotton Crop
PROPUNCH-404 ensures robust crop health, high yields, and superior management of bollworm infestations.
  • Is a non-systemic insecticide & broad-spectrum insect control.
  • Is a good tool for hard-to-kill bollworm pests.
  • Is economical to use and has long-lasting control over insects.
  • Excellent translaminar activity & dual mode of action.
Mode of Action:
A contact and stomach insecticide
Recommended Dose:
400-600 ml. /500 L of water/ha.
  1. Atropinize the patient immediately and maintain full atropinization by repeated doses of 2 to 4 mg. of atropine sulphate intravenously at 5 to 10 minutes intervals. As much as 25 to 50 mg. of atropine may be required in a day.
  2.  Dissolve 1-2 gm. of 2 PAM in 10 ml. distilled water and inject intravenously very slowly for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Antihistamines may be given to control allergic manifestations.
1 L  

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