Roach Away
Category Cockroach Control
( Fipronil 0.05% Gel ) Arbuda Roach Away ( Fipronil 0.05%), this gel attracts and eliminates cockroaches effectively, ensuring long-lasting control. Easy to apply in cracks and crevices, it targets hidden pests and offers a discreet solution for a cleaner, pest-free environment.For Control of :
- Cockroaches
- Gel contains the best food attractant for Cockroaches
- A very low dosage required
- Highly effective & Safe to use on the field
- Domino effect and RTU type of gel bait
- The most advanced formula to deal with multiple types of roaches
Pack Size :
- 20 g
- 40 g
- 80 g
Roach Away | Best Pest Control Cockroach Killer Gel For Home
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