ATTACK ( Bifenthrin 10% EC )
Bifenthrin 10% EC is a broad spectrum insecticide having contact and stomach action against bollworm and sucking pest white fly in Cotton and leaf folder, green leaf hopper & stem borer in Rice, termite in Sugarcane. It contains 10% w/w active ingredient Bifenthrin with other relevant ingredients.Direction of Use
Take the measured quantity of Bifenthrin 10% EC, add to it a small quantity of water, mix thoroughly and then add the remaining quantity of water while stirring vigorously. Do not spray facing the wind.Equipment used in Application :
Knapsack sprayer, Knapsack power sprayer, motorized Knapsack sprayer cum duster. compression Knapsack sprayer, compression Knapsack battery sprayer, wheel barrow sprayer and HTP power sprayer.Agricultural insecticides for control of :
- Bollworm and Sucking Pests in Cotton
- White Fly in Cotton
- Leaf Folder in Rice
- Green Leaf Hopper in Rice
- Stem Borer in Rice
- Termite in Sugarcane
Mode of Action :
It is a broad-spectrum insecticide having contact and stomach action. Multiple pest attacks can be tackled through ATTACK (Bifenthrin 10%). It provides long-term residual effects on recommended crops Best pesticide to control termite attack in sugarcane crops.Recommended Dose :
No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically.Packing:
1 LBest Agricultural Insecticide for Crop Protection in India
Attack – Advanced Insecticide for Cotton, Rice, and Sugarcane
best insecticide chemicals for crops and pests in india
Best Agriculture Insecticide for Cotton, rice, and sugarcane in India
Best Agriculture pesticides for Cotton, rice, and sugarcane in India
Best Agriculture pesticides for Cotton, rice, and sugarcane crops protection in India
Best Agriculture pesticides for crops protection in India
Best Agriculture Insecticides for crops protection in India
Bifenthrin 10% EC Agriculture pesticides for crops protection in India
Bifenthrin 10% EC Agriculture insecticide for crops protection in India
Bifenthrin 10% EC Agriculture insecticide for crop pest control
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